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Mayor Bowser Marks One Month Until Historic House Hearing on DC Statehood

Monday, August 19, 2019

(WASHINGTON, DC) – Today, Mayor Muriel Bowser released the following statement to mark one month until the historic DC statehood hearing on September 19, 2019, before the House Oversight and Reform Committee. Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton’s DC statehood bill (H.R. 51) has been cosponsored by 215 voting Members (218 total). A simple majority in the U.S. House of Representatives is 218 votes.

“With only one month until the historic House hearing, we continue to see congressional support for statehood reach new heights thanks to the outreach efforts of Congresswoman Norton, our local statehood organizations, and residents. We particularly thank Representatives Gil Cisneros and Josh Gottheimer as the two newest cosponsors, and are grateful to all of the Members who are supporting our fight.

“At next month’s hearing, we will not only let Members know that our 702,000 residents deserve their fundamental rights, but that Washington, DC is more than ready to become the 51st state. We’ve done our part – now it’s time for Congress to act. This is our moment to speak to the country – to tell them our story and educate them about the ongoing denial of democracy in their nation’s capital. Statehood is not only a DC issue – it is an American issue.”

Below is the full list of House cosponsors of H.R. 51:

Rep. Adams, Alma S. (NC-12)
Rep. Aguilar, Pete (CA-31)    
Rep. Allred, Colin Z. (TX-32)            
Rep. Barragan, Nanette Diaz (CA-44)
Rep. Bass, Karen (CA-37)      
Rep. Beatty, Joyce (OH-3)     
Rep. Bera, Ami (CA-7)           
Rep. Beyer, Donald S., Jr. (VA-8)     
Rep. Bishop, Sanford D., Jr. (GA-2) 
Rep. Blumenauer, Earl (OR-3)           
Rep. Blunt Rochester, Lisa (DE-At Large)    
Rep. Bonamici, Suzanne (OR-1) 
Rep. Boyle, Brendan F. (PA-13)        
Rep. Brown, Anthony G. (MD-4) 
Rep. Brownley, Julia (CA-26)            
Rep. Bustos, Cheri (IL-17)     
Rep. Butterfield, G. K. (NC-1)          
Rep. Carbajal, Salud O. (CA-24)        
Rep. Cardenas, Tony (CA-29)            
Rep. Carson, Andre (IN-7)     
Rep. Cartwright, Matt (PA-17)          
Rep. Case, Ed (HI-1)  
Rep. Casten, Sean (IL-6)        
Rep. Castor, Kathy (FL-14)    
Rep. Castro, Joaquin (TX-20)             
Rep. Chu, Judy (CA-27)         
Rep. Cicilline, David N. (RI-1) 
Rep. Cisneros, Gilbert Ray, Jr. (CA-39)
Rep. Clark, Katherine M. (MA-5)      
Rep. Clarke, Yvette D. (NY-9)          
Rep. Clay, Wm. Lacy (MO-1)            
Rep. Cleaver, Emanuel (MO-5)          
Rep. Clyburn, James E. (SC-6)           
Rep. Cohen, Steve (TN-9)      
Rep. Connolly, Gerald E. (VA-11)     
Rep. Correa, J. Luis (CA-46) 
Rep. Courtney, Joe (CT-2)      
Rep. Cox, TJ (CA-21) 
Rep. Crist, Charlie (FL-13)     
Rep. Crow, Jason (CO-6)       
Rep. Cuellar, Henry (TX-28)  
Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. (MD-7)     
Rep. Davids, Sharice (KS-3)  
Rep. Davis, Danny K. (IL-7) 
Rep. Davis, Susan A. (CA-53)           
Rep. Dean, Madeleine (PA-4)            
Rep. DeFazio, Peter A. (OR-4)          
Rep. DeGette, Diana (CO-1)  
Rep. DeLauro, Rosa L. (CT-3)            
Rep. DelBene, Suzan K. (WA-1)        
Rep. Delgado, Antonio (NY-19)        
Rep. Demings, Val Butler (FL-10)      
Rep. DeSaulnier, Mark (CA-11)          
Rep. Deutch, Theodore E. (FL-22)      
Rep. Dingell, Debbie (MI-12)              
Rep. Doggett, Lloyd (TX-35)              
Rep. Doyle, Michael F. (PA-14)          
Rep. Engel, Eliot L. (NY-16)              
Rep. Escobar, Veronica (TX-16)        
Rep. Eshoo, Anna G. (CA-18)            
Rep. Espaillat, Adriano (NY-13)         
Rep. Evans, Dwight (PA-2)     
Rep. Finkenauer, Abby (IA-1)
Rep. Fletcher, Lizzie (TX-7)  
Rep. Foster, Bill (IL-11)          
Rep. Frankel, Lois (FL-21)      
Rep. Fudge, Marcia L. (OH-11)          
Rep. Gabbard, Tulsi (HI-2)  
Rep. Gallego, Ruben (AZ-7)  
Rep. Garamendi, John (CA-3)            
Rep. Garcia, Jesus G. (IL-4)   
Rep. Garcia, Sylvia R. (TX-29)          
Rep. Gomez, Jimmy (CA-34)              
Rep. Gonzalez, Vicente (TX-15) 
Rep. Gottheimer, Josh (NJ-5)      
Rep. Green, Al (TX-9)             
Rep. Grijalva, Raul M. (AZ-3)             
Rep. Haaland, Debra A. (NM-1)
Rep. Harder, Josh (CA-10)
Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. (FL-20)         
Rep. Hayes, Jahana (CT-5)     
Rep. Heck, Denny (WA-10)   
Rep. Higgins, Brian (NY-26)  
Rep. Hill, Katie (CA-25)        
Rep. Himes, James A. (CT-4)              
Rep. Horsford, Steven (NV-4)           
Rep. Houlahan, Chrissy (PA-6)          
Rep. Hoyer, Steny H. (MD-5)            
Rep. Huffman, Jared (CA-2)  
Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila (TX-18)       
Rep. Jayapal, Pramila (WA-7)             
Rep. Jeffries, Hakeem S. (NY-8)         
Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice (TX-30)             
Rep. Johnson, Henry C. "Hank," Jr. (GA-4)    
Rep. Kaptur, Marcy (OH-9)    
Rep. Keating, William R. (MA-9)       
Rep. Kelly, Robin L. (IL-2)     
Rep. Kennedy, Joseph P., III (MA-4)            
Rep. Khanna, Ro (CA-17)       
Rep. Kildee, Daniel T. (MI-5)             
Rep. Kilmer, Derek (WA-6)    
Rep. Kim, Andy (NJ-3)          
Rep. Kirkpatrick, Ann (AZ-2)            
Rep. Krishnamoorthi, Raja (IL-8)        
Rep. Kuster, Ann M. (NH-2)  
Rep. Langevin, James R. (RI-2)          
Rep. Larsen, Rick (WA-2)       
Rep. Larson, John B. (CT-1)    
Rep. Lawrence, Brenda L. (MI-14)     
Rep. Lawson, Al, Jr. (FL-5)     
Rep. Lee, Barbara (CA-13)      
Rep. Lee, Susie (NV-3)          
Rep. Levin, Andy (MI-9)       
Rep. Levin, Mike (CA-49)      
Rep. Lewis, John (GA-5)         
Rep. Lieu, Ted (CA-33)           
Rep. Lipinski, Daniel (IL-3)    
Rep. Loebsack, David (IA-2)              
Rep. Lofgren, Zoe (CA-19)     
Rep. Lowenthal, Alan S. (CA-47)       
Rep. Lowey, Nita M. (NY-17)            
Rep. Lujan, Ben Ray (NM-3)              
Rep. Luria, Elaine G. (VA-2) 
Rep. Lynch, Stephen F. (MA-8)          
Rep. Malinowski, Tom (NJ-7)            
Rep. Maloney, Carolyn B. (NY-12)    
Rep. Maloney, Sean Patrick (NY-18)              
Rep. Matsui, Doris O. (CA-6)             
Rep. McBath, Lucy (GA-6)    
Rep. McCollum, Betty (MN-4)           
Rep. McEachin, A. Donald (VA-4)     
Rep. McGovern, James P. (MA-2)      
Rep. McNerney, Jerry (CA-9)             
Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. (NY-5)        
Rep. Meng, Grace (NY-6)       
Rep. Moore, Gwen (WI-4)      
Rep. Moulton, Seth (MA-6)    
Rep. Mucarsel-Powell, Debbie (FL-26)          
Rep. Murphy, Stephanie N. (FL-7)      
Rep. Nadler, Jerrold (NY-10)              
Rep. Napolitano, Grace F. (CA-32)     
Rep. Neal, Richard E. (MA-1)             
Rep. Neguse, Joe (CO-2)        
Rep. Norcross, Donald (NJ-1)             
Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandria (NY-14)
Rep. Omar, Ilhan (MN-5)       
Rep. Pallone, Frank, Jr. (NJ-6)             
Rep. Panetta, Jimmy (CA-20)              
Rep. Pappas, Chris (NH-1)     
Rep. Pascrell, Bill, Jr. (NJ-9)    
Rep. Payne, Donald M., Jr. (NJ-10)    
Rep. Perlmutter, Ed (CO-7)     
Rep. Peters, Scott H. (CA-52)             
Rep. Phillips, Dean (MN-3)    
Rep. Pingree, Chellie (ME-1)  
Rep. Plaskett, Stacey E. (VI-At Large)          
Rep. Pocan, Mark (WI-2)        
Rep. Porter, Katie (CA-45)     
Rep. Pressley, Ayanna (MA-7)           
Rep. Price, David E. (NC-4)    
Rep. Quigley, Mike (IL-5)       
Rep. Raskin, Jamie (MD-8)     
Rep. Rice, Kathleen M. (NY-4)           
Rep. Richmond, Cedric L. (LA-2)      
Rep. Rose, Max (NY-11)        
Rep. Rouda, Harley (CA-48)  
Rep. Roybal-Allard, Lucille (CA-40)              
Rep. Ruiz, Raul (CA-36)       
Rep. Ruppersberger, C. A. Dutch (MD-2)      
Rep. Rush, Bobby L. (IL-1)    
Rep. Ryan, Tim (OH-13)         
Rep. Sablan, Gregorio Kilili Camacho (MP-At Large)            
Rep. San Nicolas, Michael F. Q. (GU-At Large)       
Rep. Sanchez, Linda T. (CA-38)         
Rep. Sarbanes, John P. (MD-3)           
Rep. Scanlon, Mary Gay (PA-7)          
Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. (IL-9)     
Rep. Schiff, Adam B. (CA-28)           
Rep. Schneider, Brad (IL-10)           
Rep. Schrader, Kurt (OR-5)   
Rep. Scott, David (GA-13)     
Rep. Scott, Bobby (VA-3)           
Rep. Serrano, Jose E. (NY-15)            
Rep. Sewell, Terri A. (AL-7)  
Rep. Shalala, Donna E. (FL-27)         
Rep. Sherman, Brad (CA-30)              
Rep. Sherrill, Mikie (NJ-11)    
Rep. Sires, Albio (NJ-8)           
Rep. Smith, Adam (WA-9)      
Rep. Soto, Darren (FL-9)         
Rep. Spanberger, Abigail (VA-7)         
Rep. Speier, Jackie (CA-14)    
Rep. Stevens, Haley M. (MI-11)        
Rep. Suozzi, Thomas R. (NY-3)          
Rep. Swalwell, Eric (CA-15)  
Rep. Takano, Mark (CA-41)    
Rep. Thompson, Bennie G. (MS-2)     
Rep. Thompson, Mike (CA-5)             
Rep. Titus, Dina (NV-1)          
Rep. Tlaib, Rashida (MI-13)   
Rep. Tonko, Paul (NY-20)       
Rep. Torres, Norma J. (CA-35)            
Rep. Trahan, Lori (MA-3)       
Rep. Trone, David J. (MD-6)  
Rep. Underwood, Lauren (IL-14)
Rep. Van Drew, Jefferson (NJ-2)
Rep. Vargas, Juan (CA-51)      
Rep. Veasey, Marc A. (TX-33)            
Rep. Vela, Filemon (TX-34)    
Rep. Velazquez, Nydia M. (NY-7)      
Rep. Wasserman Schultz, Debbie (FL-23)      
Rep. Waters, Maxine (CA-43)             
Rep. Watson Coleman, Bonnie (NJ-12)          
Rep. Welch, Peter (VT-At Large)        
Rep. Wexton, Jennifer (VA-10)         
Rep. Wild, Susan (PA-15)       
Rep. Wilson, Frederica S. (FL-24)       
Rep. Yarmuth, John A. (KY-3)