The Office of Budget and Performance Management (OBPM) leverages data, strategic planning, and innovation to ensure the efficient and effective use of resources and drive continuous improvements to the programs and services residents, businesses and visitors receive. OBPM is responsible for formulating District government’s annual operating and capital budgets and administering District government’s annual performance planning process. OBPM consists of three functional teams: Budget, Performance, and The Lab @ DC. Budget advises the Mayor and City Administrator on financial and budgetary operations of District government as well as develops the annual budget and financial plan; Performance leads the District’s strategic planning work and development and execution of monitoring and accountability tools; and The Lab @ DC works to drive innovation by helping agencies apply rigorous, scientific methods to their service of District residents.
Jenny Reed
Director, Office of Budget and Performance Management
Jenny Reed is the Director of the Office of Budget and Performance Management. OBPM leverages data, strategic planning, and innovation to ensure the efficient and effective use of resources and drive continuous improvements to the programs and services residents, businesses and visitors receive. OBPM consists of three functional teams: Budget, Performance, and The Lab @ DC. Prior to serving as the Director of the Office of Budget and Performance Management, Jenny spent nearly eight years at the DC Fiscal Policy Institute where she served as Deputy Director.
Jenny is widely recognized as an expert on the DC budget, affordable housing, poverty and income trends, and tax policy. Her research has contributed to a number of important budget and policy outcomes, including increased funding to address the city’s affordable housing shortfall, improved public access to key DC budget information, and improvements to policies governing the city’s financial reserves. Jenny also served as a member of the Board of Commissioners for the DC Housing Authority, appointed to the Board by the DC Consortium of Legal Service Providers, and served in the Housing Advocate position. Jenny holds an undergraduate degree in psychology from the University of Rhode Island and a Master in Public Policy from George Washington University.