The District of Columbia government consists of three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial. The current form of government was established by the District of Columbia Home Rule Act in 1973. Although District government officials have the authority to pass laws and govern local affairs, the United States Congress maintains the power to overturn local laws and legislate on behalf of the District. Furthermore, unlike any other jurisdiction in the country, residents of the District of Columbia are not represented by voting members of the United States Congress.
Executive Branch
The executive branch is governed by an elected Mayor who serves a 4-year term. The Mayor has the authority and responsibility for the daily administration of the District government. The City Administrator is appointed by the Mayor and is responsible for the day-to-day management of District government agencies, setting operational goals and implementing the legislative actions and policy decisions of the Mayor and DC Council.
The current organization of the District government also includes four deputy mayors who, reporting through the City Administrator, oversee agencies within a defined cluster.
Although most District agencies report directly to the Mayor, some agencies are considered independent. For example, the Office of the Chief Financial Officer is an independent agency (an arrangement that is unique to the District government).
Legislative Branch
The legislative branch consists of a 13-member Council. The Council of the District of Columbia includes one member from each of the District’s eight wards, four at-large members, and a chairperson. Members of the Council serve 4-year terms on a staggered election cycle. Like other legislatures, the Council passes laws, approves the District’s budget, and is responsible for general oversight of the executive branch.
The legislative branch also includes over 40 advisory neighborhood commissions (ANCs). ANCs represent a small subset of each ward in the city, thereby having the closest official ties to the people in a neighborhood. ANCs present their positions and recommendations on issues to the Mayor, various District government agencies, and the Council.
Judicial Branch
The judicial branch consists of the court system and a handful of boards and commissions that support the court system. The Superior Court of the District of Columbia is the trial court. The Superior Court consists of a chief judge and 50 associate judges that hear cases involving criminal and civil law. The District of Columbia Court of Appeals is the District’s highest court and is similar to a state supreme court. The Court of Appeals consists of a chief judge and eight associate judges. All judges in the District of Columbia courts are appointed by the President of the United States and confirmed by the US Senate.