(Washington, DC) – On Saturday, July 28, at 10 am, Mayor Muriel Bowser will break ground on the Fort Totten Extension of the Met Branch Trail (MBT). The portion of MBT between John McCormack Drive, NE and First Place, NE is the next major milestone toward the completion of the planned eight-mile trail between Silver Spring, Maryland and Union Station in the District of Columbia. This portion of the trail will facilitate local access between the Fort Totten Metro, Catholic University and the surrounding community.
Mayor Muriel Bowser
Jeff Marootian, Director, District Department of Transportation
Frank Young, Rock Creek Park Deputy Superintendent, National Park Service
Greg Billings, Executive Director, Washington Area Bicyclist Association
Saturday, July 28, at 10 am
Fort Totten Park
Between First Place, NE and Gallatin Street, NE
(Near the Mamie D. Lee Community Garden)
*Nearest Metro: Fort Totten Metro Station*
Press interested in attending the event are asked to RSVP to [email protected]. To view the event online, visit mayor.dc.gov/live or tune in on Channel 16 (DCN).