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Mayor Bowser Highlights District Initiatives to Lead Nation in Affordable, Green Energy

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

(Washington, DC) – Tomorrow, August 12 at 10:30 am, Mayor Muriel Bowser and District officials will hold a press conference on the green roof of the Frank D. Reeves Center for Municipal Affairs to highlight how DC is leading the nation in creating affordable, green energy.

Mayor Bowser will discuss the District’s pioneering partnership with Iberdrola Renewables, LLC to supply 35 percent of the District government's electricity with wind power – the largest wind power deal of its kind ever entered into by an American city. Mayor Bowser announced the agreement on July 14 and it went into effect on August 1st. The deal will save District taxpayers $45 million over the next 20 years. Wednesday’s event comes on the heels of President Obama announcing his Clean Power Plan – a historic and important initiative that takes meaningful action on climate change by reducing carbon pollution from power plants.

Mayor Muriel Bowser                                                                                                                  
EPA Region 3 Administrator Shawn Garvin
Department of Environment Director Tommy Wells
Department of General Services Associate Director of Sustainability and Energy Mark Chambers
Iberdrola Renewables Vice President Barrett Stambler

Wednesday, August 12 at 10:30 am

Frank D. Reeves Center for Municipal Affairs (green roof)
2000 14th Street NW (Corner of 14th & U Street)
*Closest Metro: U Street/African-American Civil War Memorial Metro Station*

Press interested in attending the event are asked to RSVP to [email protected]