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Mayor Bowser to Lead FitDC Ward 6 Walk

Friday, September 11, 2015

LaToya Foster (EOM) – (202) 727-5011; [email protected]
Marcus Williams (DOH) – (202) 549-4886; [email protected]

(Washington, DC) – On Saturday, September 12 at 9 am, Mayor Muriel Bowser along with Ward 6 Councilmember Charles Allen, Director of the DC Department of Health Dr. LaQuandra Nesbitt, and Department of Parks and Recreation Director Keith Anderson will participate in a 1.5 mile walk around the Kingman Park neighborhood as part of FitDC. This effort is part of the Mayor’s commitment to a fresh start in health and wellness in the District of Columbia and aims to encourage  residents to live healthier lifestyles by linking them to nutrition and physical fitness resources in their communities, including FitDC coaches who can offer guidance on making healthier lifestyle choices.

Mayor Bowser will also discuss the Billion Steps Challenge, a citywide effort that encourages all DC residents to get more active, eat healthier foods and walk one billion steps.  Ten FitDC coaches – one per ward, plus a youth and senior coach – continue to encourage participants in the Billion Steps Challenge to take control of their own health by moving more and making healthier choices.

Mayor Muriel Bowser
Ward 6 Councilmember Charles Allen
DC Department of Health Director Dr. LaQuandra Nesbitt
DC Department of Parks and Recreation Director Keith Anderson
Ward 6 Fit DC Coach Chris Doenlen

Saturday, September 12 at 9 am

Rosedale Recreation Center
1701 Gales Street, NE
*Bus Lines: X1, X2, X3*

Press interested in attending the event is asked to RSVP to [email protected].

Social Media:
Mayor Bowser Twitter: @MayorBowser
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